Yo Yo Yo, After some rough months we still are the strongest force in the warez-cd business and to proove it we present you with the latest in the series of Crazy Bytes; Crazy Bytes: At First Sight, April '99. Just before we met our deadline for this release, one of the most highly anticipated games of this year crossed our path: Xwing Alliance! A superspace combat actiongame set in a Starwars era. A 'must-play' for all the Luke Skywalker fans out there. Also included is the final version of Recoil, Lander and one of the best soccer management simulations currently on the streets: Premiere Manager 99. We ofcouze didn't forget all you utility freaks out there. Just for you we included a nice ammount of high quality programs on the release including the latest Jbuilder from Borland, a great bundle of after effects for Adobe Photoshop and two of the best photoediting tools currently available: IBM Perfect Photo and MGI Photosuite II. The mp3's on this release are from the techno sensation Underworld. We included their latest hitalbum Beaucoup Fish, so get dancing! Well that about wraps it up for this month again, make sure you check us again next month, cause there's way more where this is coming from! Latez, The CB Crew.